Please fill out the form below and submit it to us. We will reply to let you know if there is space on the trip you have requested, then you can make a payment using a credit card here (click here) or mail us a check to:

Brian Patteson, Inc. / P.O. Box 772 / Hatteras, NC 27943

If you just want to inquire about space, or have us hold a space for a few days until you know if you can join a trip – please do not use this form! Just send us an email to check. This form is used to sign up for a trip under the conditions outlined above (in the Terms and Conditions)! Thank you

We may need to reach you with information about your trip.
Please note the trip(s) you would like to join. We will let you know once we receive your registration if there is space available.
Please find the link just above this form!